Bai Tu Long bay, the forgotten land next to Halong bay

Accouting for 3/4 area of Halong bay, consisting of many islands of Van Don and Cam Pha dist of Quang Ninh province, Bai Tu Long Bay is a less popular destination compared to Halong bay. Thus, a trip to Bai Tu Long bay promises to be an unique experience at a peaceful land.

An untouched and spectacular Bai Tu Long bay

An untouched and spectacular Bai Tu Long bay

Having been opened for tourist for years, but Bai Tu Long bay still looks untouched with its pristine natural landscape.Therefore, Bai Tu Long bay would be the best consideration for a trip to relax your body.

Untouched cliffs

Untouched cliffs

Also, if you’re a fan of exploration, this place is willing to satisfy you with numerous of destinations waiting for you asIn this large area, visitors can find pristine natural landscapes. Even now, Bai Tu Long Cong Do area, Vung Vieng fishing village, Da Xep Park, Cong Dam area, Thien Canh Son cave and Tra Gioi beach. There are also some populated islands; Quan Lan, Ngoc Vung, Cong Dong, and Cong Tay with beautiful white sand beaches.Besides, you can explore Bai Tu Long National park which has the diversity ecosystem consisting of many precious floral and fauna.

Bai Tu Long national park-a home to many pieces of precious floral and fauna

Bai Tu Long national park-a home to many pieces of precious floral and fauna

Being in a same region with Halong bay, the natural landscapes of Bai Tu Long bay is mostly the same spectacular as its counterpart, but it is featured by the peaceful atmosphere that feels like as if it were still in the first days of creation by the nature. Unlike a busy Halong bay, Bai Tu Long bay still imprints Halong culture of thousands years ago and preserve the pristine atmosphere and the pure natural of the millions years ago. Therefore, a trip to Halong would be the best for a plan to detox your mind and body.

Sunrise on Bai Tu Long bay

Sunrise on Bai Tu Long bay

Don’t hesitate to pack your luggage, come and discover the amazing land. For more information please visit our family website:

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