- In the storm season, you should ask information before the cruise departing. When wharf management department will forbid to sailing if it has heavy rain and strong wind
- Cruising on such a magnificent bay like Halong is undoubted a fantastic experience that you will never want it to be spoiled by any slight unfortunate accident. It is highly recommended to follow cruise ship safety instructions.
- After getting on cruise, the very first and basic thing that any reliable and responsive crew member would do is giving passengers a tour around the ship help you become familiar with escape routes and emergency exits. Crew member should also show you whe-re to get life jackets and how to secure them properly. Please pay your fullest attention to this valuable instruction in case of emergency. In emergency situations, you will easily recognize by the evacuation signal (the most international standardized is seven short horn blasts followed with one long horn blast).
- When the wind and waves become excessively strong, you ask the chief of the boat steers the boat to a sheltered position on an isand, moors the boat to the shore and anchors it.
- Even when you boat has breakdown or signs of sinking, please try to be calm and follow instructions of the crew members on the boat. to take life buoys quickly, give priority to the elderly, children, and women and head to rescue boat to escape safely f-rom the cruise. Jumping in to the sea is only suggested when there are no crews around.
- If an emergency arises, please keep calm and listen to important announcements such as instructions guiding you to the exits and evacuation lifeboats.
- Do not take bath spontaneously on the bay. You have to ask the permit of the chief boats, the will advise you whe-re are beautiful and save to take a bath.
- You should not take precious personal property and much money on boat. Should wear shoes to easy for climbing. Take hat , raincoat and dress in pleasingly tidy manner.
- Watch out for strong wind while walking on decks, wear comfortable walking shoes with good traction, and never stay on the decks during a heavy rain or stormy weather.
- Drink an acceptable amount. Although some luxury cruise ships offer high quality wine, drinking excessively can impair your judgment and lead you to unexpected incidents.
- Although it is an interesting experience to cruise alone, try to form a group of 3 to 5 friends and families members so that you can take good care of each other.
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